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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

If you have a question, it is very likely another traveller has asked us already. Have a look at the answers provided to some of our clients most frequently asked questions. You can also contact your representative or our team from Customer Service if needed.

Eligibility and Coverage

Why must I answer the medical questionnaire every year?

Even if your medical conditions have not changed since your last purchase, chances are, the eligibility conditions, the questions, and the medical conditions from the medical questionnaire have changed. Therefore, our sales representatives must ask each question again.

  • If you are not eligible, the insurance cannot be sold to you.
  • If you are eligible but your medical declaration is inaccurate, there could be costly consequences in the event of a claim. Your claim could be denied completely!

Take note that, in many cases where “the conditions have not changed”, going through the questionnaire helps clients remember about a doctor’s appointment during the previous months, about a change in their dosage, about a medical investigation, etc.

Answering the medical questionnaire takes only a few minutes and can prevent many negative surprises down the road! Thank you for your collaboration on this matter.

Do you offer coverage for Visitors to Canada? Students? Expatriates?

No. Tour+Med travel insurance is intended for people who maintain permanent residence in Canada, are covered by their Provincial Health Insurance, and who travel out of their province or territory of residence for leisure. Moreover, students and expatriates have particular needs when it comes to travel insurance, which our policy may not meet.

Do you cover pregnancy?

Pregnant women are covered, under certain conditions. 

See the following exclusion from the policy for more information: 

Benefits are not payable under this policy if losses sustained or expenses incurred are the direct or indirect result of any of the following:

16. Any costs related to:
- Routine prenatal or postnatal care;
- Fertility treatment;
- Deliberate termination of Your pregnancy;
- Your pregnancy, Your childbirth, or complications of either occurring 9 weeks before or after the expected date of delivery;
- An infant born during Your Trip.

Can I get a refund if my trip is cancelled or if I come back earlier than planned?

Oui, votre assurance voyage médicale est remboursable en totalité si la police est annulée avant votre date de départ (dans le cas d’un plan Par Voyage) ou avant la date d’entrée en vigueur (dans le cas d’un plan Annuel Multi-Voyages).

If you come back earlier than planned and are covered by a Per Trip plan, you could get a refund for the unused days of your coverage. Conditions apply. See section “Premium Refunds” in the policy for details.

See section “Premium Refunds” in the policy for details.

Multi-Trip Annual plans are non-refundable after their Effective Date.

Do you cover sports?

Competitive sports, race or speed contests, extreme activities, and sports for which you are required to sign a waiver or release of liability are not covered. (See section Exclusions and Limitations in the policy for details.)

Do you cover pre-existing medical conditions?

Depending on your age and the length of your trip, you could be required to answer a medical questionnaire. Your premium will be based on your answers, combined with other factors. Pre-existing medical conditions are covered if they meet the definition of “Stable and Controlled” in the policy. (If a condition is not “Stable and Controlled”, ask about our Reduced Stability Period option.)

Can I purchase insurance for someone who does not speak English or French?

No. The insured person must be able to speak and understand either one of Canada’s official languages (English or French). Our documents are available in these languages. A travel insurance policy is a contract and it would not be ethical to sell a contract to a person who cannot understand it by him/herself.

Can I get a quote for another person?

We need to speak with the person for whom the travel insurance policy is purchased, given that the contract will be established between them and us. Moreover, this person must give their consent for the exchange of confidential medical information with you. If the two of you are on the same policy, it could be sufficient to speak with you only if you take full responsibility for the answers given.

In all cases, we must complete the sales process with the person(s) for whom the insurance policy was purchased. All insured persons must review their policy, most importantly their medical declaration, to make sure it is complete and accurate.

Do I need travel insurance if I travel within Canada?

Yes. Your Government Health Insurance only covers a portion of medical costs when you are out of your province or territory of residence. Moreover, certain fees, such as ambulance transportation, are never reimbursed by Government Health Insurance plans.

What do you mean by “Stable and Controlled”?

The stability of your medical conditions is probably the most important concept in your travel insurance policy, so understanding it is crucial.

To be “stable and controlled” means that there has not been any change pertaining to a medical condition within the 3 or 6 months before your departure (3 months for insureds of 69 years old and less, 6 months for insureds of 70 years old and over).

By “change”, we mean (among others): no new diagnosis, no new prescription or modification to an existing prescription, no test or evaluation, no recommendation to be seen by a specialist, no new symptoms, no aggravation of the condition, etc.

You must also be aware that even though your doctor said you were “stable”, “brand new”, or “good to go”, it does not necessarily correspond to the definition of “Stable and Controlled” in the policy. In the event of a claim, we will refer to the latter so make sure that you read it carefully, and that you understand it. You may also ask your representative for information.

Can I pay monthly?

No, but we offer a deposit option. You can make a deposit equivalent to at least 25% of your total premium on the date of purchase, and your balance will be payable two weeks before your departure date. (Premium must be at least $400.)

Options and Discounts

What is the price of the “Reduced Stability Period” option?

There is no fixed surcharge for the option. Premium is calculated upon a combination of various factors, including your age, the concerned medical condition, and your other medical conditions. The best way to find out what your premium will be is to ask for a quote!

What kind of discount can I expect if I select the “Optional Exclusion” option?

There is no fixed discount for the option. Premium is calculated upon a combination of various factors, including your age, the system or organ to exclude, and your other medical conditions. The best way to find out what your premium will be is to ask for a quote!

How can I make sure to get my Loyalty Discount?

By contacting the same representative as last year!

We respect our representatives and the work they do. That’s why we invite you to contact the same person you dealt with last year. To be eligible for the Loyalty Discount and make sure it increases (up to 5%), you must purchase Tour+Med policies during consecutive sales seasons and through the same representative.

I will travel with another person, but we wish to pay our policies separately. Can we still get the “2 travellers” discount?

Yes, but this functionality is not offered online. If you plan on travelling together, but wish to pay your policies separately, a representative will apply your discounts manually. Speak with a representative before buying your policy.

The dates of my trip are not set in stone. Can I still get the “Early Bird” discount?

If you plan on travelling within the next 6 months, and the Early Bird discount is available at that time, yes, you will be able to get the Early Bird discount.

Our policies cannot be sold more than 6 months before the departure date. If your dates are uncertain (but the departure is intended within the next 6 months), you can provide approximate dates to purchase your policy while the Early Bird discount is available. This will lock in your discount. Once your dates are official, ask your representative to modify your dates (or use the Client Portal to do it yourself online). There are no administrative fees to do this: you will only pay for the extra days if your trip is longer than what you had initially planned.

Can I lock in my “Early Bird” discount with the “25% deposit” option?

You’re so smart! The deposit option allows you to pay only 25% of the premium at the time of purchase, and pay the balance 2 weeks before the departure date. If you purchase your policy while the Early Bird discount is available, the deposit option allows you to lock in that discount.


My trip is more than 6 months from now. How can I get the “Combined Protection” discount if I cannot purchase my protections simultaneously?

You are right: travel medical insurance cannot be purchased more than 6 months before the departure date, but Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance must be purchased within 15 days from the first non-refundable deposit. In some cases, that first deposit could be given many months before the departure (sometimes more than a year before!) If this happens, it will not be possible to purchase your protections online. To ensure you get all of the discounts you are entitled to, speak with your representative, who can make an exception in such case.

Multi-Trip Annual plans

Why talk about 8, 15 or 30 days if it’s called an “annual” plan? Can I travel up to 365 consecutive days?

We know it’s not an obvious concept when you hear about annual plans for the first time. That's why we also call it the "multi-trip plan".

Basically, the plan is valid for one year from its effective date (the date on which the protection begins, which usually corresponds to your first departure date) and covers you for as many trips as you want during the following year. The length of each trip, however, must not exceed 8, 15, or 30 days, depending on the option that you will have selected.

What if my trip is longer than the selected plan?

If a trip is longer than the selection option (8, 15 or 30 days), you will need a “Per Trip” plan to cover the additional days. Speak with your broker or one of our representatives for a quote.

My broker mentioned a “combo”. What is it exactly?

No, we are not referring to a pizza-ghetti combo! But just like when you order food, a combo means you are getting more variety for your money. Do we have your attention?

If you usually travel for 3 weeks in a row, you could be interested by our Multi-Trip Annual plan of 30 days. But if one of your trips is scheduled to last 40 days, a 30-day plan will be too short and won’t suit your needs. To make it simple, we will probably offer you a “30-day combo”. This means that in one transaction and on the same policy (we are the only insurer to do this, by the way!), you will get 2 protections: your 30-day Multi-Trip Annual plan, and your 10-day top-up. Your entire trip of 40 days will therefore be covered, as well as all other trips of 30 days and less that you will make during the upcoming year. Isn’t it interesting?

Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance / Baggage Insurance

What are the eligibility conditions to purchase Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance?

For this coverage to be in-force, you must:

  • Be a Canadian resident and purchase the insurance from your home province.
  • Be 85 years old or less.
  • Purchase the policy within fifteen (15) days of the first non-refundable deposit of your trip.<br>(If the first non-refundable deposit of your trip was paid more than 15 days ago, you unfortunately cannot purchase this insurance from us.)
  • Purchase the insurance for the full duration of your trip.
  • Purchase the insurance for an amount sufficient to cover the full value of the non-refundable, nontransferable portion of your travel arrangements, to a maximum of CAN $12,000. (You cannot insure any trip costing more than $12,000 CAN, or purchase the insurance to cover only a portion of your prepaid and non-refundable arrangements, because the other portion is covered elsewhere, for example.)

Can I purchase Baggage insurance by itself?

Baggage insurance cannot be sold by itself; it is sold as a package with Trip Cancellation-Interruption insurance, and coverage in the event of Accidental Death & Dismemberment.

Depending on your home province and on how you make your purchase, your Trip Cancellation-Interruption insurance, Baggage, and Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance may need to be combined with travel medical insurance. Ask your representative for more information.

What risks are covered by Trip Cancellation-Interruption insurance?

If purchased, Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance covers specific situations that could happen before or during your trip, causing you to cancel or interrupt your trip. Your policy could also provide coverage for your baggage and personal effects, and protection in the event of accidental death or dismemberment. (See the policy for details on covered risks and applicable benefits.)

Group travel Insurance

I have travel insurance through a COLLECT / COLLECT TOTAL group plan. Am I covered for COVID-19?

COLLECT / COLLECT TOTAL group travel medical insurance provides coverage up to $5,000,000 in the event of a medical emergency during your trip, including a positive diagnosis to COVID-19. Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the protection. Terms, conditions and limitations are specified in your travel insurance booklet.

Read the amendment pertaining to group travel insurance (updated on March 10, 2022) to find out how an advisory to "avoid non-essential travel" (aka Level 3) or to “avoid all travel” (aka Level 4) would impact your coverage, for information on cruises, or for details about the Trip Cancellation-Interruption insurance provided in your group plan.

I am covered by your COLLECT / COLLECT Total plan and I need proof of insurance for my next trip. Where can I get it?

The required information could vary depending on your destination. Presenting your group insurance wallet card will usually be enough, but some areas could ask for more thorough proof. If you are required to present such proof, please write to before your departure.

I am a group insurance broker. How can I add your products to my portfolio?

Please write to or call us at 1-877-344-8398. We will be pleased to discuss this with you.

You can’t find the answer to your question? Contact your representative or our customer service.

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