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The policy states that I must call you before treatment or consultation. What if I can’t call or if I’m unconscious?

This is precisely why it is of the utmost importance that you carry your wallet card with you at all times. If your medical state prevents you from calling, your travelling companion, a friend, or medical staff will have access to your card and will be able to call us quickly. Emergency Assistance must always be called as soon as possible; we are there to help and steer you towards the appropriate services.

Here are a few of the services our experienced team can offer:

  • Help you locate a physician, clinic or hospital;
  • Confirm your insurance coverage to the hospital or physician;
  • Coordinate your medical treatment and keep your family informed;
  • Guarantee or arrange payment to the hospital or physician, whenever possible;
  • Arrange transportation of a family member to your bedside, when indicated by circumstances;
  • Arrange your repatriation to your province of residence;
  • Etc.

Assistance médicale d'urgence en voyage

Une équipe bilingue disponible 24 / 7
de partout dans le monde!

E.U. et Canada :

1 844 820-6588

Ailleurs :

001 888 820-6588

Frais virés :

001 819 377-2241

Emergency medical assistance

A bilingual team available 24 / 7,
anywhere around the world!

E.U. and Canada:

1 844 820-6588


001 888 820-6588


001 819 377-2241

Request a call back