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Other protections
Trip Cancellation & Interruption, Baggage, Accidental Death & Dismemberment

What’s important about these protections?

As the name suggests, travel medical insurance covers costs and expenses pertaining to a medical emergency happening while on a trip.

But what will become of your non-refundable deposits if you need to cancel or interrupt your trip? The sudden death of a family member, pregnancy, or involuntarily losing your job are only a few of the reasons that could alter your plans. To protect deposits given on an upcoming trip, Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance is what you need.

And to avoid having to wear the gift shop’s ugly t-shirt all week if you find out that your luggage had a different destination in mind, you need to purchase insurance that will cover the loss, theft, delay or damage to your baggage and personal effects.

With these optional protections in your back pocket, missing a correspondence or having to cancel your trip won’t feel as awful as it sounds.

Do these protections meet your needs?

  • Travellers of 85 years old and less
  • Coverage offered for one trip at a time
  • Up to $15,000 for trip cancellation and interruption
  • Up to $1,500 for baggage and personal effects
  • Up to $100,000 in case of accidental death or dismemberment

* Certain conditions and age limits may apply. Please see the policy for full details.

Are you eligible?

Travellers of 85 years old and less (read Eligibility below)

In August, I called to book out of province health insurance and (employee from customer service) assisted me. She was very professional, knowledgeable and polite. I had to call again today to make an amendment to our policy. Once again, she was very professional and knowledgeable. I would like to thank her for her excellent service.

K.P. / Durham, ON (October 2022)

What else do you need to know?

“Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance” provides coverage up to $15,000 and can be sold as a stand-alone protection.

“Baggage” insurance provides coverage up to $1,500 for your baggage and personal effects, but cannot be sold by itself: it must be combined with “Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance”, in which case you will be getting “Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance” as a bonus, providing coverage up to $100,000.

See the policy for details of each protection.

  • Applicants must be 85 years old or younger.
  • The policy must be purchased while the applicant is in their province of residence.
  • The policy must be purchased within 30 days of the first non-refundable deposit of the insured trip.
  • Insurance must be purchased for the full duration of the trip and for an amount sufficient to cover the full value of the non-refundable, non-transferable portion of the travel arrangements, up to a maximum of CAN $15,000. (In other words, you cannot insure a trip worth more than CAN $15,000, or insure only part of your trip.)

Due to technical reasons, these protections cannot be sold by themselves online: they must be combined with travel medical insurance. A “combined protection” discount of 5% is automatically added. If you want to subscribe Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance without a medical protection, you must contact your broker or one of our sales representatives. Take note that this is possible only in some provinces, due to licensing requirements in other areas.

FAQs from travellers just like you

Baggage insurance cannot be sold by itself; it is sold as a package with Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance, and coverage in the event of Accidental Death & Dismemberment.

If purchased, Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance covers specific situations that could happen before or during your trip, causing you to cancel or interrupt your trip. Your policy could also provide coverage for your baggage and personal effects, and protection in the event of accidental death or dismemberment. (See the policy for details on covered risks and applicable benefits.)

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