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An option for every situation

Ever heard of a shirt or dress that’s supposed to be “one size fits all”? The concept is interesting, but reality hits: the results are rarely satisfying when the same piece of clothing is worn by different people. Travel insurance is the same thing: it is unrealistic to believe that one protection will suit the needs of all travellers, for all of their trips.

Your policy should be as unique as you are. Our options allow you to customize your coverage, so it suits your needs. Every time.

Get a quote

Contact your broker, get a quote online, or speak with one of our sales representatives.

(Some of the options may not be available on our online quoting tool. Speak with your representative if necessary.)

Assistance médicale d'urgence en voyage

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de partout dans le monde!

E.U. et Canada :

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Ailleurs :

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Frais virés :

001 819 377-2241

Emergency medical assistance

A bilingual team available 24 / 7,
anywhere around the world!

E.U. and Canada:

1 844 820-6588


001 888 820-6588


001 819 377-2241

Request a call back

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