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THiA’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Travel insurance is designed to give all travellers the ability to protect themselves against unexpected medical costs and other expenses associated with the cancellation, interruption or delay of travel arrangements. In fact, 95 per cent of submitted travel insurance claims are paid in Canada, says a report based on a KPMG survey of Canadian providers commissioned by the Travel Health Insurance Association (THIA).

We LS-Travel, insurance company are proud members of THiA; and our collective goal is to ensure every claim submitted has the opportunity to be paid. The industry has come together and designed the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities to deliver a clear statement as to what you can expect from your travel insurance policies along with responsibilities you have when purchasing travel insurance. The Travel Insurance Bill of Rights and Responsibilities builds upon the following golden rules of travel insurance:

  • Know your health
  • Know your trip
  • Know your policy
  • Know your rights

Everyone deserves a carefree trip and the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities will help provide all travelling Canadians with additional confidence in their travel insurance purchase knowing their company is supporting their rights as a consumer and making them aware of their responsibilities.

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E.U. et Canada :

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Emergency medical assistance

A bilingual team available 24 / 7,
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E.U. and Canada:

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001 888 820-6588


001 819 377-2241

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