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Complaint review policy, procedure and form

In accordance with its obligations, LS-Travel has adopted a Complaint Review Policy.


The Policy’s purpose is to ensure that any complaint filed by a dissatisfied consumer is dealt with fairly and at no cost.

At LS Travel, we believe that client complaints are important and that our duty is to deal with any expressed dissatisfaction promptly and courteously.


If you are dissatisfied with a decision or the way in which your file was handled, you may proceed as follows:

Initial contact:

If you are dissatisfied with a Company practice or a decision regarding you, we suggest contacting our “Review Committee” in writing explaining the situation and dispute. The Review Committee will consider all pertinent information provided and a decision based upon the clauses and conditions of the insurance policy will be communicated to you in writing within 30 days of the receipt of your written request for a review.

You may also communicate by phone with the employee or service that you used at the following number: 1 800 268-9633, however you may be required to submit your request in writing. If you decide to communicate by phone, here is the procedure:

Before contacting us:

  • have all your documents on hand so you can refer to them easily;
  • determine why you are dissatisfied, the questions you wish to ask, the arguments you wish to make, and the desired solution (if you are seeking financial compensation, you should say so);
  • decide how you will contact us: if you call the employee who served you, it is best to call ahead in order to set up a telephone appointment, so he or she can locate your file and give you the necessary time;
  • if needed attach photocopies rather than the original versions of your documents.

During the conversation:

  • be calm, to the point, and don’t hesitate to ask questions;
  • write the name of the person you are speaking with and keep a summary of the conversation, including the answer that was given to you; keep of a copy of every correspondence;
  • give the person you are speaking with time to respond to your dissatisfaction; if you are not satisfied with that person’s response, the employee must tell you how to take your complaint further; if he or she does not do so, demand the information.

Complaints officer

If, after the steps described above, you have still not received a satisfactory response at the operational level, you may file a formal complaint with the Complaints Officer. They will handle your complaint with impartiality.

Below is the contact information for the Humania Assurance Inc. Complaints Officer:

Humania Assurance Inc.
1555 Girouard Street West
St-Hyacinthe (Quebec) J2S 2Z6
E-mail: Jean-Benoit.Forgues@humania.ca
Telephone: 1 800 363-1334


A complaint must express at least one of the three following elements, which persists despite being addressed at the relevant operational level in order to be considered a complaint within the meaning of the policy:

  • a reproach made to the Company;
  • the identification of potential or actual harm to an insured;
  • a request for corrective measures.

Please note that an initial expression of dissatisfaction, whether in writing or not, does not constitute a complaint. Nor is an informal step taken to correct a specific problem a complaint, to the extent that the problem in question is dealt with in the process of regular operations.

Your complaint must be made in writing, and “Complaint” must be written at the top of your letter; alternatively, you may use the downloadable complaint form (see link at the bottom for this page).

Provide your contact information (address and telephone numbers) and describe the reason for your complaint, the steps you have taken, and the response you received.

Explain your arguments and identify the solution you are seeking.


Upon receiving a client’s formal complaint, the file is remitted to the Complaints Officer.

  • A receipt confirmation will be sent to the client within five (5) days following receipt of a written complaint in order to inform them of the turnaround for complaint review.
  • The response to the complaint must be in writing and communicated to the plaintiff, at the latest, sixty (60) days after receipt of the complaint. The response will indicate:
    • the outcome of the impartial review of your complaint;
    • a notice indicating the alternative dispute resolution mechanism available to you if you are still dissatisfied with the complaint review process or its outcome;
    • the procedure for requesting that your file be transferred to regulatory authorities.


The Complaints Officer will ensure that the Company’s decision and the bases for it are communicated to you in writing.

If an offer is made to you, the offer must be clearly expressed in the letter, along with the time limit for accepting or refusing the offer. Otherwise, you will be deemed to have refused the offer and it will be withdrawn permanently.


If you are still dissatisfied with the process or your answer, you can ask our Complaints Officer to send a copy of your file to:

The client may exercise this right only upon expiry of the period identified for obtaining a final answer, not to exceed a period of one year from the date that answer is received.

The complaint file will be transferred to authorities, at the latest, fifteen (15) days after receipt of the transfer request.


A complaint registry has been created for the purposes of applying the Policy. The Complaints Officer records and updates the information concerning complaints that meet the definition of that word.

For each complaint, a complaint file is opened and must be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years after receipt of the complaint.


The Complaints Officer files a complaint report annually to the regulatory authorities.


This Policy became effective on December 22, 2014. It must be revised every two (2) years. It was revised on May 25, 2022.

Download form (PDF)

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