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Frequently asked questions

If you have a question, it is very likely another traveller has asked us already. Have a look at the answers provided to some of our clients most frequently asked questions. You can also contact your representative or our team from Customer Service if needed.

Everything you need to know about claims

Do you need to fill out a form? Where must you send your proofs and receipts? What kind of proof is needed? Read the following for answers on all of the above, and much more. You may also contact our Claims Department if necessary.

Everything you need to know about claims

The service provider could not provide the service and offered a credit. What should I do?

As per the indications in the policy, Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance acts as second payer and you cannot be compensated twice for the same service. If the service provider offered a credit, it is considered compensation and you cannot present a claim for the same service.

Do I need to fill out the claim form that you sent me?

Yes. If you consulted for a medical condition or for any other reason, and no matter if you paid for medical services or not, you must fill out the claim form.

Why must I fill out the form about my Government Health Insurance?

Your travel medical insurance reimburses expenses in excess of any coverage your Government Health Insurance provides. To save you time and procedures, we will ask for the refund, but we need your consent.

How long do I have to send back my completed claim form?

You have 90 days following your return to Canada to send us the completed claim form.

I made a claim. Can I still get a refund for the unused days of my coverage?

No. As per section “Premium Refunds” in the policy, you cannot get a refund for the unused days of your coverage if you made a claim or if a claim is pending.

What must I do if I paid out for medical services while on my trip?

You must fill out a claim form and send us all supporting documents, including proof of payment. See Claims for more information.

A family member just passed away and I must return to Canada. Is this covered?

Depending on the situation, you could be eligible for the Emergency Round-Trip benefit. See the policy for details.

I am returning home but my car broke down and my policy expires tomorrow. What should I do?

Your travel insurance policy offers a 72-hour free and automatic extension for such situations. See “Extension of policy coverage” in the policy for details.

Are paramedical fees fully covered?

The insurer will cover paramedical fees up to 50% and up to a maximum of CAN $300, per policy period. See the policy for details.

I had a medical emergency while on my trip and was prescribed medication, which I must now renew. Is renewal covered?

The first 30 days of medication are covered. The policy does not cover costs associated with renewals.

You can’t find the answer to your question? Contact your representative or our customer service.

Assistance médicale d'urgence en voyage

Une équipe bilingue disponible 24 / 7
de partout dans le monde!

E.U. et Canada :

1 844 820-6588

Ailleurs :

001 888 820-6588

Frais virés :

001 819 377-2241

Emergency medical assistance

A bilingual team available 24 / 7,
anywhere around the world!

E.U. and Canada:

1 844 820-6588


001 888 820-6588


001 819 377-2241

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