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Frequently asked questions

If you have a question, it is very likely another traveller has asked us already. Have a look at the answers provided to some of our clients most frequently asked questions. You can also contact your representative or our team from Customer Service if needed.

Everything you need to know while on the go

Travelling often comes with its load of unforeseen and unexpected situations. It is perfectly normal to have questions or need a few pieces of advice at some point. Read the questions and answers below, but don’t hesitate to reach out to your representative if you could not find the answer to your question.

Everything you need to know while on the go

Can I get a refund if my trip is cancelled or if I come back earlier than planned?

Oui, votre assurance voyage médicale est remboursable en totalité si la police est annulée avant votre date de départ (dans le cas d’un plan Par Voyage) ou avant la date d’entrée en vigueur (dans le cas d’un plan Annuel Multi-Voyages).

If you come back earlier than planned and are covered by a Per Trip plan, you could get a refund for the unused days of your coverage. Conditions apply. See section “Premium Refunds” in the policy for details.

See section “Premium Refunds” in the policy for details.

Multi-Trip Annual plans are non-refundable after their Effective Date.

Is emergency assistance always available?

Yes. Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the world.

If you are on a trip and require emergency medical assistance, you must call Tour+Med Assistance.

Can I purchase insurance after my departure?

No, you must purchase your policy prior to your departure from Canada.

Can I extend my policy after I have left Canada?

Yes, under certain conditions, such as asking for the extension before the expiration date of your policy. You may contact us or use the Client portal to purchase an extension. Extensions will be denied if requested after the expiration date of the policy, which is why it is recommended to ask for the extension at least 5 days before the expiration date.

What happens if I cannot come back on my scheduled return date, for something that’s beyond my control?

If your return is delayed due to something that is beyond your control (ex: accident, vehicle breakdown), you will be granted a 72-hour extension at no charge. If you are hospitalized due to a medical emergency, your coverage will remain in force for as long as you are hospitalized, and the 72-hour extension will begin upon your discharge.

The policy states that I must call you before treatment or consultation. What if I can’t call or if I’m unconscious?

This is precisely why it is of the utmost importance that you carry your wallet card with you at all times. If your medical state prevents you from calling, your travelling companion, a friend, or medical staff will have access to your card and will be able to call us quickly. Emergency Assistance must always be called as soon as possible; we are there to help and steer you towards the appropriate services.

Here are a few of the services our experienced team can offer:

  • Help you locate a physician, clinic or hospital;
  • Confirm your insurance coverage to the hospital or physician;
  • Coordinate your medical treatment and keep your family informed;
  • Guarantee or arrange payment to the hospital or physician, whenever possible;
  • Arrange transportation of a family member to your bedside, when indicated by circumstances;
  • Arrange your repatriation to your province of residence;
  • Etc.

What is covered by this policy?

Travel medical insurance covers medical emergencies arising from sudden and unforeseeable circumstances, and happening while on a trip outside of your province of residence. (See the definition of “emergency” in the policy.) Coverage up to $5,000,000 is provided, which is enough to cover customary diagnostic fees, hospitalization, repatriation, etc.

If purchased, Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance covers specific situations that could happen before or during your trip, causing you to cancel or interrupt your trip. Your policy could also provide coverage for your baggage and personal effects, and protection in the event of accidental death or dismemberment. (See the policy for details.)

To whom must I pay my deductible? Do I need to call you only if my claim is more expensive than my deductible?

No matter if you opted for a traditional or hospital-care deductible, it should never be paid to the medical center! Our claims department will get in touch with you about your deductible when treating your file.

As per the many indications in your travel insurance confirmation and policy wording, you must call Emergency Assistance prior to any consultation or treatment, no matter if you have a deductible on your policy or not. Emergency Assistance must always be called as soon as possible; we are there to help and steer you towards the appropriate services.

Will I have to pay the hospital or clinic directly?

We have agreements with clinics and hospitals in many different countries, in order to facilitate payment of the medical expenses you could incur. But some establishments could, nonetheless, require that you pay a deposit or the full amount of your consultation or hospitalization. This is one of the many reasons why we ask that you call Emergency Assistance prior to heading anywhere; we will steer you towards the most appropriate establishment, depending on your situation.

I called you, I was treated… but I’m not feeling better. Am I still covered?

You are covered for as long as your emergency lasts, which can sometimes take a few days. An emergency no longer exists when Emergency Assistance establishes that no further treatment will be required at destination, or that you are able to return to your province of residence for further treatment. If you decide to remain at your destination, any recurrence could be excluded.

Do I have to pay for medication?

Medication prescribed by a physician is covered, if it was prescribed following a covered medical emergency. All eligible prescriptions are subject to a non-refundable US $5 co-payment. Payment of the prescription will only be valid for the initial 30 days after the onset of the emergency. The cost of prescription beyond this period is not covered. Forgotten medication and renewed prescriptions are not covered.

Does the policy include dental benefits?

We will provide up to $1,000 per accident for dental care you will require following an accidental blow to the mouth or jaw, for healthy and natural teeth.

May I have the list of clinics and hospitals in your network? Why a network?

We have an extensive network of clinics, doctors, and hospitals worldwide. Their expertise may vary so this is one of the many reasons why we ask that you call Emergency Assistance prior to heading anywhere; we will steer you towards the most appropriate establishment, whether in or out of our network, depending on your situation.

Our network allows us to evaluate the quality, costs, payment options, and service offering of the medical service providers. We encourage you to share your experience with us, following your interaction with a given service provider; this helps us to maintain up-to-date evaluations.

Do you cover the services of a chiropractor, podiatrist, or physiotherapist?

If due to a medical emergency, we will cover fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the services provided by a chiropractor, podiatrist, or physiotherapist (including X-rays prescribed by these professionals), up to CAN $300. Original invoices and proof of payment are required.

Do you cover biopsy in case of a skin problem?

Your policy is a protection in case of an emergency medical situation; we cover biopsies if related to a medical emergency. Otherwise, biopsies are specifically excluded if not pre-authorized by Emergency Assistance or if not meeting the definition of “emergency”. (See the definition in the policy, as well as section Exclusions and Limitations for details.)

I need to see a doctor. What are my options?

You must call Emergency Assistance for an authorization prior to any consultation. The numbers are on your wallet card or under Assistance.

You can’t find the answer to your question? Contact your representative or our customer service.

Assistance médicale d'urgence en voyage

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de partout dans le monde!

E.U. et Canada :

1 844 820-6588

Ailleurs :

001 888 820-6588

Frais virés :

001 819 377-2241

Emergency medical assistance

A bilingual team available 24 / 7,
anywhere around the world!

E.U. and Canada:

1 844 820-6588


001 888 820-6588


001 819 377-2241

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