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Stability Calculator for Your Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

This tool is exclusive to Tour+Med Travel Insurance, underwritten by LS-Travel, insurance company.

«My physician said I was stable.»  

Be careful: even if your physician said that your pre-existing medical conditions were stable, insurance companies calculate stability differently. Your conditions must meet the insurer’s stability clause.

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Step 1

Calculate the stability of a pre-existing medical condition

Answer the following questions as precisely as possible, for one traveller at a time, and for one medical condition at a time.
For which medical condition are you calculating the stability? (Considering only one condition at a time.):

Step 2

Have you had a change in your health?

Thinking about this medical condition, indicate if one or more of the following situations occurred in the [X] months prior to*your Departure Date: *Stability must be reached before your Departure Date. Imagine that your departure is scheduled for November 15. If the situation occurred on November 14 or within the [X] months before, you must answer Yes.
  • I was diagnosed with the condition.
New treatment
  • A new treatment was prescribed or recommended to me (including medication to be taken on a regular basis or “as needed”, medical tests for further investigation, surgical procedure, etc.)
Modification to an existing treatment
  • My treatment was interrupted or modified, which includes the increase or decrease of the dosage or frequency of a medication that was already prescribed to me.
(Select No if the modification was related to the routine adjustment of insulin, Warfarin or Coumadin, or to the replacement of a brand name medication by a generic brand medication of the same dosage.)
  • I was hospitalized or I consulted in an Emergency Room (ER).
  • I had new symptoms.
  • Existing symptoms became more frequent or more severe.
  • The medical condition worsened.
Recommendations and investigations
  • I consulted a specialist or was recommended to do so.
  • I had a medical examination or test for investigation purposes.
  • A treatment was recommended to me (including medication to be taken on a regular or “as needed” basis, medical tests for further investigation, surgical procedure, etc.)
  • A treatment was planned or has yet to be completed.
  • I am awaiting an investigation, the results of an investigation, or a treatment.
Step 3

Be careful!

Results from the stability calculator are based on the information that you provided; make sure it is accurate. Should this information be modified, the results no longer apply.

A wide range of events could affect the stability of your Pre-existing Medical Conditions. Therefore, these results are presented for information purposes only and have no legal value. The use of the stability calculator does not replace a conversation with a sales representative and does not certify coverage.

Medical questions could be asked to calculate your premium when getting a quote or purchasing the policy. After your purchase, it will be your responsibility to inform your representative of any change in your health occurring before the Effective Date of your Tour+Med policy.

In the event of a claim, your medical information will be verified. Take note that aside from the stability of your medical conditions, other exclusions and limitations could apply after the verification of your medical history.


Good news! It seems like the required stability will be met.

Based on your age and the answers provided in the previous pages, it seems like you will have reached [X] mois of stability before your Departure Date.

The Medical Condition for which you used the calculator would be covered on your trip.


It seems like the required stability won’t be met, but you could be eligible for the Reduced Stability option.

Based on your age and the answers provided in the previous pages, it seems like the stability of [X] months before your Departure Date won’t be met.

The Medical Condition for which you used the calculator would not be covered on your trip.

But all is not lost! Since the condition will have at least 30 days of stability before your departure, you could be eligible for the Reduced Stability Option.

Ask your representative or call us 1-877-344-8398


Be careful, it seems like the required stability won’t be met.

Based on your age and the answers provided in the previous pages, it seems like the stability of [X] months before your Departure Date won’t be met.

The Medical Condition for which you used the calculator would not be covered on your trip.

Unfortunately, since the condition won’t have at least 30 days of stability before your departure, or because you will be more than 85 years old, the Reduced Stability Option cannot be offered.

But all is not lost!You could still purchase a policy, with an exclusion for this medical condition. For more information, contact your representative or call us at 1-877-344-8398

Additional Information

For your Pre-existing Medical Conditions to be covered while on your trip, they must have been “Stable and Controlled” for a certain period of time prior to your Departure Date.
These durations vary with age:

(Exception: High blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol requires only 2 months of stability before the Departure Date.)


If a Medical Condition does not meet the insurer’s stability period, but will have been “Stable and Controlled” for at least 30 days prior to the departure, you may be interested by our Reduced Stability Period option. With this option, the condition could be covered up to $5,000,000. 

The meaning of terms presented in italics in this tool are explained in the “Definitions” section of the policy. In case of disparity between the definitions presented in this tool and those from the policy, the latter prevails.

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