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Become a representative

Are you an agent, a financial advisor, a broker or a financial services provider? Do you offer complete financial solutions to your clients? If you are not offering travel insurance, your portfolio is incomplete and your clients are at risk!

Tour+Med could be your solution. We could even be the only travel insurance provider you’ll need! Contact us today to find out how you could easily add us to your product line.

You currently offer travel insurance? Good. But are you completely certain that the products you are offering are competitive and fully meet your clients’ needs? After all… somebody talked to you about us and it caught your attention, didn’t it?

Travel insurance is not your main line of business? No problem. It is never too late to add a string to your bow and offer complete service to your clients. We offer different ways to become a representative, one of which will require very little effort and time!

Travelers know travel insurance is essential. If you don’t offer it to them, somebody else will.

We are different

  • Competitive commission schedule, paid on a weekly basis;
  • Process quotes and applications online simply and efficiently;
  • Complete and competitive travel insurance solution for your clients;
  • Receive superior service and help from our “Broker Support” team;
  • Renowned and recognized customer service and assistance (Tour+Med Assistance);
  • Respect of our partnerships with our distributors.

That’s nice but here’s what really sets us apart

We know that customers shop around. So when a client wants a price… they want it now. Our efficient Quick Quote tool only asks the necessary questions so you can provide a premium rapidly (premiums in fact, since we will present all of the available options on a single screen.

Thanks to our medical underwriting department, many clients often declined by other insurers due to their medical history can usually get a personalized offer. We even have an option that allows them to reduce the required stability period of an unstable or recently-treated medical condition so it can be covered… up to $5,000,000!

Medical underwriting could be required for some of your… not-so-healthy clients. When this happens, you have many options, including transferring this delicate task to our ‘valets’. This way, you can focus on what you do best, while one of our meticulous agents takes care of your client’s file.

No matter which distribution agreement is established between us, we can give you access to a web link that you can add to your website. This way, your clients can shop for their travel insurance at the time from the comfort of their home, whenever they want to.

Has another insurer ever talked to you about a ‘pharmacy card’? (No, we’re not talking about your typical wallet card. Our pharmacy card is different…) Have you ever heard about ‘hospital-care deductibles’? Are stability buy-back options offered by other insurers covering the clients up to $5,000,000? These are only three of the many particularities that distinguish us from our competitors.

Contact us to become a representative

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Assistance médicale d'urgence en voyage

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de partout dans le monde!

E.U. et Canada :

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Ailleurs :

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Frais virés :

001 819 377-2241

Emergency medical assistance

A bilingual team available 24 / 7,
anywhere around the world!

E.U. and Canada:

1 844 820-6588


001 888 820-6588


001 819 377-2241

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